Mayor: Paul Murrell- 2022-2026
Council Members:
Sean Hopkins, Council President
4 Year Term- 2022-2026- (308-225-2665)
Gary Martin -4 Year Term- 2024-2028-
Gary Ritterbush --4 Year Term- 2022-2026
Doug French- --- 4-year term- 2024-2028-
City Council Meeting:
Meetings of the City Council are held at the City Hall. Regular meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at the hour of 6:30 p.m., except that if the first Tuesday is a legal holiday or if such first Tuesday is before the fourth day of the month, then such regular meeting may be held on the second Tuesday of the month. 
An agenda for the meeting is available at the Mitchell City Hall, but the agenda may be modified at the meeting.